Yesterday was another one of those rainy days, the kids and I were bored and we decided to make some play-dough. It is really simple, even I managed and as you know I am not the crafty kid of the block.
All you need to do is to put all this: 1 cup plain flour 1/2 cup salt 1 cup water 1 tbs cooking oil 2 tbs cream of tartar into a pot,heat it up, stir nicely and out comes play-dough. The funny part is to put the food colouring through it, our hands are still blue today.
Being on maternity leave gives me some time for little craft projects. This wall art was created after a trip to Bunnings. I took a variety of Taubmans paint swatches and played around with a layout. I had so much fun assembling it that I am sure I will do another one soon.
The idea comes from a blog that I really like. It is called 'A beautiful mess'. Today while I was doing some Easter craft with my daughter I took this shot of colourful water balloons before we turned them into Easter eggs. Tonight while browsing the internet I came across the Durex Naked Box competition and thought what a great match. So I submitted my design and called it 'Durex No Strings Attached'.If you want to submit your own design you can do it here.
Today I went to see the Picasso exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. I am not the biggest fan of his surrealist work, but I did not want to miss the greatest Picasso display ever to have visited Australia. Only once I got there I realized I was wearing the fan outfit: a black and white striped T-Shirt, how embarrassing. The exhibition was packed and it was hard to get a good and close view of some of his most famous works without a running commentary of really smart people. But I was not there for the famous surrealist works anyway. What made the biggest impression on me were the pencil sketches, scribbles and drawings because they are so very personal. Each stroke can be identified and it is like watching Picasso sketch in person. I also like his sculptures, again the works of his early years are my favourite pieces. I tried to find my top five Picasso artworks of the Sydney exhibition. I did not make it to five but here are the three paintings, that made my day: 1. The Bathers (1918) 2. Jacqueline with Crossed Hands (1954) 3. Sacre Coeur (1909/10) I loved 'The Bathers' because it seems to be such an Australian scenery. This painting brings up happy memories for me and the colours and movements seems soothing like a lazy afternoon by the beach.
The exhibition will be on till the 25th of March and features around 150 artworks from the Musée National Picasso in Paris. Oh how I love this: Moleskine the legendary notebook is publishing a new series of illustrated notebooks of contemporary architects. It must be like reading a secret diary, the drawings, sketches, scribbles and notes look so personal. What a great insight into the mindset of these architects. The first four books of the series called 'Inspiration and Process in Architecture' have been published in December 2011 and feature Zaha Hadid, Bolles+Wilson, Alberto Kalach and Giancarlo de Carlo (what a great name).
You can win one of the booklets here. If you are not a lucky winner you can order the books online at the Moleskine shop from their website. The contemporary Sydney art festival is on for the third time this year and I have never even heard of it before, so its time to check it out. I had a look at their website and my two favourites are the 'Art at Night' events and the paper art events including the paper cutting session with Gregory and Watts this Saturday. The Art Month will run till the 25th of March and offers a diversity of events, talks, exhibitions and workshops.
Are you fed up with boring temporary tattoos that your kids seem to love that much? Then have a look at this website. I love their designs, they are fun, cool and stylish. Each tattoo comes as a set of two and costs $5 plus shipping cost of $2 outside the US. Just in time for Easter they have 'The Easter Carton' is great for little and big kids. 'Live is too short to wear ugly temporary tattoos.'
Due to the record summer of rain Warragamba Dam near Sydney will reach full capacity, the first time in 14 years. No more water restrictions in place, you can water your lawn (not that it needs it) and wash your car again.